Education is the panacea for the development of one’s cognitive, affective and psychomotor
domains. Education transforms a person into socially committed and economically viable.
‘Hill View’ is a haven for quality education. We strive for molding professionally competent and
emotionally motivated citizens with high moral values.
he fact that learning has become a source of burden and stress on children and their parents is
an evidence of a deep distortion in educational aims and quality. To correct this distortion we
have guiding principles in curriculum.
- Connecting knowledge to life outside the school.
- Ensuring that learning shifts away from rote method.
- Shift from static text to dynamic text.
- Making evaluation more flexible with continuous and comprehensive types.
- Nurturing democratic and secular values in every child.
- Providing quality education to all.
- Overall development of an individual to prepare him for life.
- To develop human potential to meet the Global challenges.
- Moral awareness through regular moral classes.
- To give room for self evaluation and corrective steps.
- To inculcate a sense of co-operation instead of competition among the peers.